The price you pay is not the cost of the liquid in the bottle. In fact, the juice in the bottle is a tiny fraction of the cost! When you buy a fragrance at retail, you’re paying for the store profits, the celebrity models and photo shoots, insane marketing costs like billboards and samples and then for someone else to make it for the company. All of this adds up, so we decided to do things a little differently.
and we make replicas of your favorite niche fragrance brands. You know, the ones that are hundreds of dollars a bottle. The best part? Our start at $29.00 and are backed by our no-risk guarantee.

Formulated in Europe and manufactured in the US, all our our fragrances feature 18-20% fragrance oils and are classified as Eau De Parfums. Virtually indistinguishable from they designer inspirations, they are vegan and eco-friendly fragrances, 100% non-toxic and cruelty-free.

Formulated to scent your space with your favorite fragrances, our Diffuser Oils are multi-purpose compounds that can be used in scent distillers, unscented lotions or even wool dryer balls. The options are endless and formulated with a base of Coconut and Safflower these oils can be blended to create a fragrance as unique as you!
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